List of Tamil words in Hittite language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Hittite language
Dr. Variankaval Ramsamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Hittite (natively nesili / "the language of Nesa", or nesumnili / "the language of the people of Nesa"), also known as Nesite (Nesite / Neshite, Nessite), was an Indo-European language that was spoken by the Hittites, a people of Bronze Age Anatolia who created an empire centred on Hattusa, as well as parts of the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia. The language, now long extinct, is attested in cuneiform, in records dating from the 17th (Anitta text) to the 13th centuries BCE, with isolated Hittite loanwords and numerous personal names appearing in an Old Assyrian context from as early as the 20th century BCE, making it the earliest-attested of the Indo-European languages.
By the Late Bronze Age, Hittite had started losing ground to its close relative Luwian. It appears that in the 13th century BCE, Luwian was the most-widely spoken language in the Hittite capital, Hattusa. After the collapse of the Hittite New Kingdom during the more general Late Bronze Age collapse, Luwian emerged in the Early Iron Age as the main language of the so-called Syro-Hittite states, in southwestern Anatolia and northern Syria.
Hittite is the modern scholarly name for the language, based on the identification of the Hatti (?atti) kingdom with the Biblical Hittites (Biblical Hebrew: *????? ?ittim), although that name appears to have been applied incorrectly: The terms Hattian and Hattic refer respectively to the indigenous people who preceded them and to their non-Indo-European Hattic language.
In multilingual texts found in Hittite locations, passages written in Hittite are preceded by the adverb nesili (or nasili, nisili), "in the [speech] of Nesa (Kanes)", an important city during the early stages of the Hittite Old Kingdom. In one case, the label is Kanisumnili, "in the [speech] of the people of Kanes".
Although the Hittite New Kingdom had people from many diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, the Hittite language was used in most secular written texts. In spite of various arguments over the appropriateness of the term, Hittite remains the most current term because of convention and the strength of association with the Biblical Hittites. The endonymic term nesili, and its Anglicized variants (Nesite, Nessite, Neshite), have never caught on.

Clues to read Hittite words into Tamil;
Letter 'k'= 'v'; 'v' = 'k'.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter 'm' and letter 'n' then and there.
Letter 'p' and letter 's' can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once the letter has to be read only once.
1. Copeland Hittite Dictionary
2. Hittite Vocabulary - By David Michael Weeks -- University of California, Los Angeles
3.An Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon
4.Hittite etymological Dictionary -Jaan Puhvel- words beginning with A, E,I,H, K, L,M,N and PE.
5. The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago - volumes L,N, P and S.
English- Hittite words - Tamil
*1.hostile action- pahheski- pakai/ hostility
*2.hateful- pukk- pakai/ hate
*3.spring/ fountain- wattaru- uoottru
* go- pa- poa
* come- uwa- vaa
*6.behind- appan- pin
7.after- appan- pinn
* go behind- appan pai- pinnae poa
*9.behind- / backwards- appanda- pinnanda
*10.walk behind- appanj tiya- pinnadiyae adi edu ;adi edu -walk ;adi- foot; edu- take; pinnaadi- behind. follow /to go after- appanda pai - pinnanda poa /to go behind
* go in font of / opposite - menahhanda- munnaanda poa ; munnadi- front.
13.go behind- appant- pinnaadiyae poa ; pinnaadi- behind.
*14.go quickly- kattan p- kada kada nnu poa
*15.go with- katta[ n] p- kooda poa ; kooda- with; poa- go.
* go- katta [n] - yaekidu
* go to house- kattant- kudiyaanda poa ; kudi- house; poa- go; veettaanda poa; ka= va; va= ka; veedu- house.
18.go back- pai appap- pinnae poa; letters are jumbled; ; pinnae- back.
*19.going- pitteya wwara - poaeittu vara ; poaida- to go; vara- to come .
*20.before/ opposite- menahhanda- munndaanda ; munnaadi .
*21.after/ later- aparai- appuram
22.angry- sanza- sinam
* climb up- sara pai- yaeri poa ; yaeru- to climb . go up- park - yaeruka
* climb- up- ark- yaeruka go down- kattanda pai- to go near; kittae- near/ close. keezhaanda poa/ to go down; keezh- down. go out- para pai- puram poa / to go outside
* be destroyed- katta pia- kettu poai /destroyed
* be lost- katta pai- kaanaathu poa
*30. give- piya- paya pitta- itti call- palahh- azhai cry out- palwai - azhuvu/ weep; uoolai vai/ howl; oalam vai /wail .
34.ram- udu sir- semmari aadu ; words are misplaced.
*35.ox- gud - kedaa/bull ; kottiyam/ bull ; kuththam / bull
*36.bull- gudmah - kottiyam
* take- da- edu
* put- dai- idu
39.air/ breath- para- uyir; piraanan [?Skt] ;air.
* step- tiya- adi edu/ take a step; adi- step; edu- take ; letter is read more than once.
* grow- park- perukka; perusaaka . raise- park- uyaruka become tall- parkuess- uyaramaku
*44.remove- park - pirikka ; peyarkka
45.*to disentangle- partai- piriththidu
*46.a type of cloth/garment - partuitta- paruththi aadi/ udai ; paruththi- cotton; udai/ aadai- clothe.
*47.foot- pata - paatham; adi .
*48.foot- padumma- paatham
49.sole of the foot- patalha- paatha adi thole; paatham /adi- foot; thole- skin/sole . dig- pidda- thoandu
* fetter- patalhai- poottuthal; pinaiththal ; thalai iduthal; letters are read more than once. . tie feet/ fetter- patalliya- paathaththai pinaiththal ;patham- foot; pinaiththal- to tie; thalai iduthal .
* tie on- putaliyae- piniththal ; pidiththal .
*54.offering- padushi- padai
*55.offering- paddusriya- padaiththar piyatar- padaiththar ;thara /give ;tharuthar / giving ; letters are read more than once. send- peiye- anuppu send- nai- anuppu
*59.arrive- tiyazi- adaiya
60.a herb- pililisa- pachchilai ;letters are jumbled; pachchai- green; ilai- leaf.
61.justice- pendihi- neethi ;thandanai /punishment ;letters are jumbled
62.presents/ gift- pippessar- parisu; letters are jumbled.
* / temple - per- purai
* parn- puraiyan
* purulli- puraim ul
* name- pipita- patti / village
* place- dai- idu erect- tittanu- naattu ; letters are in reversed order.
69.arrive- ar- saera run- piddai- oaadidu ; oadi poaeidu ; letters are jumbled. flee from before - piddai ; oaattam pidi / flee ;thappiththu oadu/ escape; letters are jumbled.
*72.flee before- watku- voadiduka /run away
73.jump away - watku - thavuka/ jump ; letters are jumbled. flee before- pars- para / to flee fly- piddai- paainthidu
* run /race- piddai ; oaatta poatti; letters are jumbled; oatta panthayam/ running race ; panthayam/ poatti - race; oaattam- running .
*77.rock- peru - paarai
*78.delivering - pe/ iskattalla-koduththal; poai koduththal
79.deliverer- pe/ iskattalla- poai koduththidum aal; koduththidu- deliver; aal- person
*80.location - peda- pudai
81.river- id- thuni; nathi; oadai /stream. pay- piddai - peithidu /give
*83.render- piddai- oppadai
84.elope with a woman- pittinu -pennoadu oaadi poaeida; letters are jumbled; penn- girl; oaadi poaeida - run away
*85.gate- puhla- puzhai
86. important festival- purulli-peru naal; peru- big/ great ;nal- day.
*87.ruin- pupulli- paazh
88.lump- puti- pudaippu /swelling
* swell /fermented dough- putkiya- uppiduka
* swell/ boil /tumor- putkiya- pudaikka
91. penis- lalu- poolu
* shine/ glisten - lalukke- elku ; jolikka; pala palakka . glow- lapp- azhalu
94.loosing- latar- izhanthiduthar fell- lilak- keezhae vizha ; letters are in reversed order; ka= va; va= ka; keezhae- down ;veezha- to fall.
*96.light- luha- oli
* close- istap- saaththu vanish- ma- maayam
*99.epithet of the goddess- mahit - moothaai ; mooththa- elder; thaai- mother; maatha
*100.approach- tiya- adu
* reject/ refuse- markiya- marukka
*102. mild/ gentle- minu- men
*103.much/ greatly - mekk- mikka
104.large numbers- mekki - mikka ennikkai ; ennikkai- numbers.
105.honey- milit -malai thaen ; malai - mountain ;thaen- honey .
* say /speak- te- oaathu tie / with red wool- mitai- mudi idu /to tie
*108.unite- nai-inai
109.cradle- niniyall- yaeniyil /in the cradle ; yaenai- cradle .
*110.remove- ninink- neekku
*111.drenching - ninga- nanaikka quench one's thirst- nink- - naakkai naniakka ;naakku- tougue; nanaikka- to make wet . nepis- napam
*114.arise- arai- yaeru
*115. to eat up- ed- thuei /eat call up- kalliss- azhaikka ; letters are in reversed order. drag up- saliya- izhu /to drag
* put in- takku- iduka
119.covered- tiya- moodiya be completed- tiya- mudi
* bring- uda- attu
122. the kings- sarrena - arasan /king; letters are jumbled .
123.attribute to the goddess- mutursi- mudi arasi /crowned queen ; mudi- crown ;arasi- queen .
*124.aganni- / bowl - kinni
*125.vessel- kulli- kalam
*126.bowl- utul- yaethal
*127.bowl- kappi- koappai / cup
*128.urine- sehur- siru neer ;neer- water; sirumai- lowness. push from behind- appanda- pinnaadi unthu/ to push behind ; pinnadi- behind; unthu- push .
*130.a city- sara- seari /village/ city
131.container- gudu -kudam/ pot ; koodu- case ; kuduvai ; ka= va; va= ka.
132.bull- gud mah - kada maa/ wild cow seal- sutai -adai
134.plug up- sutai- adai
*135.brains- mal- moolai/ brain
*136.spittle- issalli- echchil die- ak- saakai ; maaika .
138.death- akkatar- kann adaithar ; kann- eye; adaiththar / to close.
139.container of water- akutalla-kudi thanni kalam- container for drinking water ; kudi- drink thanni- water ;kalam- vessel ;letters are jumbled.
*140.mother- anna - annai
141. motherhood- anniiatar- annaiyin idaththir/ in the place of mother ; annai- mother; idaththir- place
*142.thus- apati- appadiyae
143.right/ properly - ara- sari ; muraiyaa .
* mount /copulate - ark- yaeruka cover- ark- maraikka
* cut off - ark- arukka /to cut ;murikka/ to cut/ break.
147.divide- ark- pirikka
*148.perforates- hattai - oaattai idu /to perforate ;oaattai- hole; idu- make.
* saw- ardu- aruththidu
* saw- aruduuar - aruththar
* saw- ardala- aruththal
*152.high- aru- uyarae
153.father- atta -thanthai ;thathai; aththa ; dady
154.watchman /guard- uskis kattalla- kaaval kaaththidum aal ; ; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled; kaaththida- to guard/ protect ; aal- person ;kaaval- protection .
*155.drinker- akuttara- kudaiyar ; kudikkaaran
* ekku-kokku ; koanam.
* feed- edrijea - uoottuthar
* bow down - kanen iiea- kuniya offer- haink- kaanikkai /offering ; letter 'h' is read as 'k' and not as 'a'.
161.corral /horses - hali- laayam
162.clay- halina- kali munn; kali - clay ;munn- soil ;letter 'h' is read as 'k' and not as 'a'.
*163.forehead- hant- neththi
* happira- paer uoor/ city ; periya- big; uoor- village .
* grind- harr- -arai
166.bone- hasti- asthi ; enpu sattam ;enpu- bone; sattam- frame .
*167.smite- hatalai- adiththal
*168.bolt/ lock- hattalu- - thaal ; thali du /to lock ; thaalppal
* shut / close- hatk- adaikka
*170.prick- hattara- theiththar
* write- hatrae- theettuthar order- hatrae-aanai iduthar ; aanai- order; iduthar- make.
173.of the moon- hila- al / moon
174.of the sun- hila -el / sun ; root word is oli- light. pluck- huetti- aainthidu
176.truly/ indeed - imma - unmaiyaa
177.indeed- immakku- unmaiyaaka
* do / make- iss- sei
179.master/ lord- isha- yesamaan
180.lady/ mistress- isha- yesamaani
* tear/ split- iskali- kizhi
* cut- karisiiea- keeru
* cut- kuer- keeru
* cut off- karate- keeridu /to cut smear/ anoint- iskiiea- poosuka
*186.smear-ap- appu spread- ispar- parappu block- istap- thadu
*189.evil- adduua- theethu
*190.evil- adduual /atuwali- theethu ulla / evilness
*191.evil- adduualahit/atuwalada- theethu ullathu / evilness ;theethu- evil; ullathu- having .
*192.evil - atuwa [ Hluw ] - theeyavai/ evil
193.way- itar- thiram
*194.kinsman- kaina- kaenmai consume/ devour- karap- kori /eat /gnaw
196.shrine/ chapel- karimn - koair munn ; koair- temple; munn- land /soil
* be angry- karpi - karuppu pluck- karp iiea- parikka; letters are in reversed order.
199.hunger- kast- kaainthida
200.excellent- sarku - seer miku
*201.with/ alongside - katta- kooda dismiss- katterahh- -neekkuthar
203.remover of evils- nakku- neekku /to remove
204.enmity- kurur- karuvu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*205.enmity- kattu- kaattam / hostility
*206.knee- ganu- kanu
*207.heart- kardi- kuruthi pai /blood bag ; kuruthi- boll; pai- bag .
*208.core- ker- karu
209.hand- kisr- karam [Skt] ; maerkkai /arm ; maer- upper; kai- hand .
*210.washbasin kueluu ana-kazhuvu yaenam ; kazhuvu -wash; yaenam- vessel . write- gulis- kili ; laeki [Skt] ; letters are in reversed order gurta- kudi iruppu/residential place; letters are jumbled. gurta- koatttai mathir ; koattai- citadel; mathir- wall .
*214.wall- kutt- kuttiyam
*215.woman- kuuan- kanni
*216.woman -feminaanati [ HLuw]- pommanatti
*217.cow- kuuau- koa
218.speech /talk- lala- sollu
219.still/ yet- nuua- innum
220.crier, a participant in festivals who cries out- pa luatt alla -azhuthidum aal ;azhuthidu- cry; aal- person. disperse- parasess-piriya
*222.look out- parauuatalla- paarththiduthal /looking
* bury- padda- puthai
224.knot- pittula- mudi iduthal / mudi poaduthal
*225.tightness- pittuliia- pidiththal
*226.powder- puuatti - podi heed- sakk- kaekka know- sakk- kaana look/ see- sakuuaiea-kaanu
230.sign/ omen - sagai - sakunam ; soosakam ; sokinam ; theechcha kunam/ bad omen
231.characteristic/ feature - sagai- kunam give a sign- sakiiea- sai kai kaami / to give a signal ; kaami- show; saikai- signal; soosakam /sign /signal .
233.eye- sakuua- kann
*234.a well- sakkuni- kaeni
* have sexual intercourse [ illicit] - salik- ozhukka/ sexual intercourse
* rest/ sleep- ses- saaya ;sayanam [/Skt]
237.thread- sail- izhai
238.a kind of grain- sumes- saamai / little millet
* resemble- dakk- oththa thaaka
*240.agree- taksulae- oththukollu
* pray to- talliiea- thuthithal
*242.speak- tar- oaathuthar dance- tarku- kooththaaduthar ; letters are jumbled.
* taru- aaduthar
*245.threw away - tekri- thookki eriya ;eriya- throw.
* bind- tiiea- yaaththidu
* thunder- tith- idi idiththida ; idi- thunder; idiththida- to thunder.
*248.thunder- tethiski- idi idikka /to thunder
*249.thunder- tethessar- idi idiththar ; idi- thunder; idiththar- to thunder.
*250.body- tuekk- udakku ; sadakku ; kattai; letters are in reversed order; thaekam [?Skt] .
* play- tuskiiea- aaduka
*252.far-tuua- etta tuzzi- thoosi padai- front line soldiers.
* hide- ulae- oliya
* burn- ur- eri
* utne- thinai
257.water- uatar ; thanner ;thaaram .
*258.water- uiten - thanni
*259.ask for- uekk- kaekka
260. day- siuatt- aatchchi; letters are in reversed order.
* be frightened- uerit- arattu ; veruttu ; uruttu ; achchu uruththu
* be frightened- werite-veruttu ; virattu .
263. year- uitt- aandu ; aththam .
*264.falcon- kalli kalli- kazhauku / eagle
265.pot- galdi- mat kalam / earthen vessel;letters are jumbled; munn- clay ;kalam- vessel .
* rub- tattarae- thaeiththar
267.closed group- kal uti- thani kuzhu / separate group / individual group ;letters are jumbled; thani- individual ; kuzhu- group.
*268.womb- karat- karu petti ; karu- embryo; petti- box.
269.rack/ shelf - kestu- adukku; letters are in reversed order.
*270.hollowed/ holed - gullanti- kuliyaanathu ; kuli- hollow/ hole
* kuwan- akkan ; yekinan ; kukkan ; naaikkan ; letters are in reversed order.
272.bridal gifts- kusta- mana kodai ; manam- marriage ; kodai- gift .
*273.foal/ colt- kurka- karkki/ horse
*274.blood- ishar- soari
*275.signal to- iskittahh- sai kai kattu ; saikai- signal; kattu- show.
276.spit - ispatar- echchi thupputhar /to spit; echchi- spittle; thupputhar- to spit; letters are jumbled.
*277.runner- ittaranni- oddaravan
278. gift- iwru- kai urai
* isparr- para
280.sun- Istanu- aathiththan; anjittan; sandan ; letters are jumbled;Aten [Egypt] .
281.till- haras- yaeru/ to plough
*182.make a hole- hatt- oaattai idu; oaattai- hole; idu- make.
*283.prick- hatta- theiththida .
284.container for honey- hutni kki- thaen kinnam; letters are jumbled; thaen- honey; kinni- bowl/ cup
285.roaming ground- lattu- -alainthidum idam ;alainthidu- to roam; idam- place. break- lukkattu- kizhakku veluththida ; kizhakku- east; veluththida- to become white; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled. .
*287.mountain- kalmara- kal maeru ; kal- stone; maeru- mountain
288.meadow- wellu-pull veli- pull- grass; veli -space. pahur- neruppu ; letters are in reversed order.
*290.marry- hamenk- manakka
* naniya- annan /elder brother.
*292.chicken- gal- kozhi
*293.sleep- katta[n] - kida
294.cure/ heal - saktai- kunam aakida ; sukam [ /Skt] aakida ; kunam/ sukam- health- aakida- to become .
* tray- pattar- paaththiram/ vessel
*296.eating- adatar- thueiththar
* adanna- thinnu/ dine
*298.without having eaten- tanga rant -thinkaama erunthda ; thinkka- to eat ;thinkkaama- not eating.
299.tailor- lu tug - udukkai theikkum aaal; udaukkai- dress; theikka- stitch ; all- person ;letters are jumbled.
300.fuller- lu tug- udaukkai thuvaikkum aal; ka= va; va= ka ;thuvaikka- to wash' letters are jumbled.
*301.cloth- tug- thoakkai ; udukkai
302.towel- gad- kai thundu ; kai- hand; thundu- towel ;kai kuttai -kerchief
303.plow- teripp- - yaeridu /to plow; ; yaeru oaattu ; letters are in reversed order; yaeru- a plough.
304.brick- kal pas sana - senkkal ; letters are jumbled.
305.become- kis- aaka
306.abandon- tarna ; thuranthidu ; niruththu; letters are in reversed order.
307.silence- dudu-amaithi
308.quietly- duddumili- amaithi ulla; letters are jumbled; amaithi- silence; ulla- having.
309.weave- takkes -thunnuka ; neithiduka .
310.join together- takkes- ottuka ; onnaa kooduka; letters are in reversed order.
*311.edge- arha- oaaram /rim
*312.grown man /adult- mayant- maaanthan/ human being / man; manithan [?Skt]
313.grown to manhood- mayantes- maanthan aayidu /to become a man ;aayidu- to become.
*314.narrow- hatku- odukkam
315.deep- halluwa- aazham ulla; aazahm- depth; ulla- having. tekkussai- eduththu kattu ; lettersa re read more than once ;kaattu- show; kaatchchi paduththu /to exhibit ; letters are jumbled; kann katchchi - exhibition.
317.brave- tarhuili- theeram ulla ; thaeiriyam ulla ; theeram- braveness ; ulla- having ; uruthi ulla ; tar- urthi- letters are in reversed order; uruthi-strength .
* praise- walliyatar- vaazhththuthar
*319.strong- walli- vazhu ; valimai
320.think- hatta- ennidu
321.know- gnes- kaanu
322.clay tablet- tuppi- pattayam/ tablet; letters are in reversed order; root word is pathi- to inscribe .
*323.print- siyattal- achchu adiththal
* uru- uoor
325.decree- hatrai/ tbariya- theerppu
*326.murder- kunatar- konniduthar ; kondri duthar [ full form] ; letters are read more than once .
* support- mat- muttu thaa ; muttu- support; thaa- give.
*328.above- sra- usrae
329.abundance- lulu- malai
330.abundance- iyata- eettam defeat- tarhu- thoarkka
*332.adorn- unu ; aniya
*333.decorate/ to dress - unnuwai- anivi
* put on [ Lith] - auti - uduththu
* put on /shoes[ OCS] - obuti- poadu
336.announce- tarkummai- therivikkanum /to announce ;ka= va; va=ka ;therivikka- to announce .
337.announce- haluganna- veliaakknum /reveal; ka= va; va= ka.
338.anxious- pittulliea- pathai pathaiththal ; letters are read more than once. approach- manikuuahh- anuka
* ud- idaththu
* your home- katti tti - kudi iduththu ; kudi- house.
342.back- eprei- puram beat- tupi- adi ;thappu .
344.soma/ body- tsh- thadi tsh- theettai
*346.become- ueet - aayidu
347.bird- peri; parappana ; paravai ; para- to fly.
* build/ a wall- kustara- kattuthar/ build; kottiyam kattuthar; kottiyam- wall. takes- kattu ; letters are in reversed order. gather- takes- koottu ; letters are in reversed order. buy- usiti- edu
352.instruct- weriya- arivurai / instruction; letters are in reversed order.
*353.say- wer- urai invite- talliya- azhaiththal ;letters are in reversed order.
* arrest- sarada- sirai idu / imprison; sirai- prison; arrest =sirai idu ;letters are jumbled.
*356.cow- kuali- kaali
357.create- aniya- pannu
*358.crush- kuskus- kasakka
* curse- tataria [Luvian] - thittuthar
*360.ruin- aggatar- kaedu adaithar ; keduthar .
*361.dirt- sakhar karai
362.disappear- harkiya - maraika
*363.disappear- mar- maraiya
*364.disease- inan- noai
365.engraving- kultsi- koththuthal ; letters are jumbled.
366.enemy- kur- karu- ththavan
367.elderly / old- mehuant- muthiyoan; letters are jumbled.
* kl - keezh
* away- watkunu - voatti viduka ; letters are read more than once.
*370.distress- uda- thaaa ; thuni ;theethu ; yaetham .
*371.excuse- parkunu - porukkanum
*372.far- tuala- ettaththil
373.far away- tuwala- tholaivil ; letters are jumbled.
*374.farther/ beyond- para- appaar become famous- isduwa- uchcham adaiya; uchcham thoda ;uchcham- fame/ top; adaiya- to reach.
*376.father- abi- appa
377.fate goddess- kulsa/ kultsa- kaali / dark goddess; kaalam- time; kaali aaththal ; letters are jumbled ;aaththaal- mother.
378.genitals- genzu- kunju/ boy's penis
379.former- analai- munnal
*380.given- piyant- peenthu/ give
*381.give- piana- paani
382.gracious- karitiea- karunai udaiya ;erakkathoadu ;letters are jumbled.
treat as a group- kalutieea- kuzhu va nadaththu; kuzhu- group ; ka= va; va= ka.
*383.a certain hairdo- sieti- sadai
384.harvest- kuer- arukka/ to cut; letters are in reversed order.
385.of the dead- akta [Lyd]- keda /death
*386.killed- kunant - konnida ; kondrida/ full form
387.kind-hearted- kentsuwala - kanintha ullam ; kanivu- kindness; ullam- soul / mind.
388.daggar- gir- kurukkai
389.language- lala- mozhi
390.large- urai- periya
*391.look after- appa tiya- paaththidu
392.look without acting- para aus - paaru /look
393.look out- prauwdla- paarththal /looking
394.moon- arma- eraaman /beauty
395.mountain- watti- vidaam
*396.shine- ualae- oli
*397.moreover- namma- innum
398.necklace- kuttanalli- kazhuththu ani ; kazhuththu- neck ;ani- a wear ;kazhuthhu ani kalan .
* not- le- illai
400.grown old- wetspant- vayathaanathu / old get old- miyahhuwanta- muthiyavanaayida
402.oil- saknie- sekku ennai ;ennai- oil; sekku- oil press.
403.other- taimai- maththathu ; letters are in reversed order.
*404.person- lu-aal
405.a plough- akkalan- elaankkali ; letters are jumbled.
*406.worry- werites- varuththam
*407.write- hat- theettu
408.wailing woman- taptara- oppaari idum penndir ;oppari- wail ;penn- woman ; penndir- women ; letters are jumbled.
409.visit- uwatar- vanthiduthar / coming
410.capture- kattada- kai paththidu
*411.step- tiya- adi ; padi /door step .
*412.sheep- udu - aaadu; udu .
*413.produce- katta p -aakkidu
*414.printing- sasa- achchu
415. a tree and it's fruit- marasikka- kani maram; letters are jumbled; kani- fruit; maram- tree.
416.utter/ pronounce - malta- mozhinthidu
*417.a kind of cloth- serha- seerai
*418.attach- sekuvai- saekkavum
419.belt- putalli- iduppu thole pattai ; iduppu- hip; thole- leather; pattai- band ;letters are read more than once.
420.dismiss- pittalai- anupputhal pisna- aan
*422.make go- pehute- poaeida
423.offence- waskuit- kuththam
*424.shaven- wali- vazhi /shave be done- api- pannu/ do
426.sleep- ssta- saainthidu /repoae /rest
* be hateful- puk- pakai
428.seed- muvita- vithai
*429.which- ti [Lyc] - ethu
*430.bowed- knenant- kuninthida
431.lock man- hatalula -thaal idum aal ;thali du- to lock; aal- person .
*432.back /rear- eprei- puram
433.thereafter [Lyc] - epnte- athen pin ;letters are jumbled.
434.formerly/ once up on a time- anats- munthaiya ; munnaadi .
435.go- lea- sellu
436.genitals- parsena- pirappu sinnam / birth mark; pirappu- birth ;sinnam-symbol .
*437.but- nu- anaa